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The Animals



Our cows are British White Cattle which are a traditional Beef breed of cattle. They are directly linked to the ancient indigenous wild white cattle of Great Britain, specifically from Lancashire. We have 3 female cows. Two adults and one calf which was born at the beginning of 2024.

Shetland Pony

Shetland Pony

These ponies are recognised by their short legs and long shaggy coat. They also have a long mane which helps to protect their eyes, head and neck in cold weather.



Woodlands Farm has five different breeds of sheep. We normally hold a flock of approximately 50 ewes (females) who spend the majority of the year in the fields. During the late autumn a ram will be brought in and the females will lamb five months later, in the spring.

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are native to South America and are a type of tail-less rodent, their correct name is Cavy.



We have two breeds of pig at the farm:
- Tamworths
- Oxford Sandy and Black



The chicken is a domesticated fowl descended from red junglefowl which was first domesticated at least five thousand years ago in Asia.

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